
Showing posts from January, 2023

My Lolita Life Part 4: Being a Con-Lolita

 So, 2015 was a disastrous year for me! Especially in the case of lolita fashion where I ended up considering leaving it, selling up and moving on... And yes, maybe I was a 'tag-along-loser-at-the-cool-kids-table', to steal a quote from a popular lolita blogger, but I enjoyed going to meets and the IRL comms I was part of (except one which ended up being too good to be true...) seemed to be fine with putting up with me... During 2014 and 2015 I had expanded my wardrobe and my co-ords were starting to see improvement... If I hadn't quit the community or had even gone to more meets during 2015, then maybe the lolita fashion community would have seen my improvement quicker and maybe I wouldn't have quit the community... And maybe I would've bought more clothes, as my wardrobe hasn't changed much in the years since... And I wouldn't have lost some good friends, though as there were some lolitas I thought I was good friends with who didn't re-add me after del

My Lolita Life Part 3: Everything Is Almost Ruined

 Ah, here we go, the 2014-15 era, time to re-visit my most active time in the fashion, but also the most horrible time for me in the community... Time to get salty over things that happened years ago, about false friends, posts on forums and what led to me almost quit the fashion... I've said before about how the early-mid 2010's was the worst time to join and this was, for me, the worst of it all... So, where do we start... Well, I mentioned that my local comm started doing meets in early 2014... I believe the first one was in February, and then there was another in March (which I think was actually a meet from the large comm I mentioned before...) though admittedly I can't even remember what I wore! I think it's probably because these two meets felt rather insignificant compared to what was about to happen... Those co-ords can't have been very good anyway, since in April I ordered a whole bunch of made-to-order lolita clothes from an indie brand, here in the UK, b

My Lolita Life Part 2: The Beginning

 Hello again! So here's the point where I talk about my Ita phase... These days it seems that people don't really go through an Ita phase in lolita fashion, but back in the early-mid 2010's, that simply wasn't the case... Basically 'Ita' means your co-ord is painful to look at... Back in the early days of lolita fashion in the west, everyone was pretty much 'ita' as it was harder to get clothes from Japan back then so people just made do with what they had. Some lolitas went down the route of hand-making their own lolita clothes, with various degrees of quality and accuracy... At least, this is how I believe it was back in the 2000's... Getting into the 2010's and whilst it was a bit easier to get hold of actual lolita clothes, it wasn't anywhere near as easy as it is now... Also, the fashion had become more stricter, at least in the west, with what was and wasn't lolita... The early-mid 2010's was also the peak of places like Behind

My Lolita Life Part 1: Pre-history

 So, I've decided to write about my life with lolita fashion, but I feel it's best to begin with what came BEFORE my first meet... The thing is, I don't know exactly where to start with it... When did I decide to wear frilly dresses? When did I even want to first wear dresses in the first place? I would say about when I was 8 years old, when my younger sibling had started school and I wanted to wear their dress in the summer... But how did I get into lolita fashion? About a year after, the big thing for us kids at the time was Pokémon. I would end up becoming a huge fan, so much so that I continued to like it well after everyone else had moved on to other things... This meant that I was bullied for still liking Pokémon, though as an autistic person, this was far from the only reason I was bullied... I still like Pokémon, though I tend to keep going in and out with it... But this effectively lead to other things. Fast forward to when I was 15 and I got my first interest in a

Hello frilly world

 So, I've decided to start a new blog. This blog is basically just a place for me to talk about my interest in alternative fashion, particularly lolita/ouji fashion and somewhat vent about things... Today is actually the 11th anniversary of my first ever meet, but I'll talk more about my lolita history in the future. Anyway, I'm Matt, I'm 32 years old and from the UK. I previously had a blog back in 2012-2015 called 'Mattemo Cosplaystuff', where I talked about cosplay and conventions, with a little bit of lolita fashion thrown in too. This post is basically just intended as a small intro to start off with.